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Writer's picture: Ms. Erica ZhuMs. Erica Zhu






▲王知蕴 Elia Wang / 3岁 / 综合材料 / 52x38cm

盘中的梨子们 Pears on the Plate / 2016年

作品背景使用跳跃的橙色,笔触奔放活泼。主角儿梨子们排排坐在盘中增加了画面的秩序。暖色系的盘子和背景色一起衬托出了黑色的主体。盘子与梨子使用手撕上色报纸,增加了画面的质地感。梨子的头和盘子的装饰线条自由,充满童趣。被问到为什么梨子是黑色,小作者俏皮地解答:“ 绿色的梨不好吃, 黑色的梨大概会甜一点儿。”

Orange painted background appears agile and vivid. Pears were arranged in line to reinforce the sense of order. The plate in warm color along with the orange background, set off the black subjects. Plate and pears which were torn from painted newspaper, also showed off the good quality of texture. Pear branchlet and the decoration lines on the stand were drawn freely, full of childishness and playfulness. The creator was asked why the pears are black, she said, “Green pear is not tasty at all, black ones might be sweeter, I think.”

▲司贤齐 Xianqi Si / 4岁 / 儿童色彩 / 52x38cm

快乐的彩虹 Happy Rainbow / 2016年





Happy Rainbow,

... is the calm sky after a shower;

... is the colorful world in my eyes;

... is my "I love you" melting mom's heart.

▲Nicole Xiong / 5岁 / 儿童创意画 / 30.5x23cm

快乐的Kitty / 2016年


Hi, I'm Happy Kitty:) I love to dance as dancing makes me feel happy & pretty, like I'm gliding in the blue sky. When I hear pretty music, I love to wiggle my toes & dance together with stars & butterflies. What a magical place!

▲林津瑶 Michelle Lin / 6岁 / 水彩画 / 30x45.5cm

畅游的海龟 Lazy and Relaxing Turtle / 2016年


Look! The sea world is so colorful! Blue, green, yellow, and pink! A pink turtle is swimming with a big smile among the seaweed! When she kisses the seaweed, a lot of bubbles come out from her mouth. Then bubbles disappear one by one. Pops,pops,.... and pops.. The pink turtle is having a relaxing time in the colorful sea world.

▲萧辰予 Mia Xiao / 4岁 / 儿童创意画 / 30.5x23cm

两条小鱼 Two Little Fish / 2016年

两条小鱼,米娅和卡森,是最好的朋友。她俩每天都在海里游来游去一起玩耍。 这天她俩来到海面上,看见太阳在水里的倒影。“哇,看,卡森”米亚说,“好明亮的一盏灯啊”。 卡森说:“我们游过去看看吧!”她俩游啊游,可是大灯依然很远。 一个大浪打过来把她俩打翻了,她俩好不容易翻过身来,又一个浪头打过来。米亚和卡森看着对方。“好吧,我们回家吧。”卡森说。于是,她俩手牵手游回她们甜蜜的家。

Two little fish, Mia and Carson, are best buddies. They swim together and play together every single day. One day, they swam to the surface and they saw the reflection of the sun in the water. “Wow, look Carson” Mia said, ”there is a big beautiful shining yellow lamp”. Carson said “let’s swim closer to check it out!” They swam and swam but the big lamp is still far away. A big wave pushed them back. After they struggled and managed to flip back, a second wave pushed them on their back again. Mia and Carson looked at each other. “Alright, let’s go back home” Carson said. Hand in hand, they swam back to their sweet home.

▲宋逸凡 Everett Song / 4岁 / 综合材料 / 30.5x23cm

我家门前的柏油马路 The Asphalt Road NO.1 / 2016年


The little creator wants to be a construction worker when he grows up. Look! He paved an asphalt road in front of his house. First, he poured a layer of gravel onto the ground. Then, he flattened the road. Last, he paved the road with the asphalt, which would strengthen the road. It is snowing now, and the road is still in a very good condition.

▲崔承越 Chengyue Cui / 5岁 / 水彩画 / 30x45.5cm

缤纷的海底世界 Colorful Sea World / 2016年


A cute little fish Yellow Kitty and her good friend Shark Blue go to the Sea World. They meet seahorses, octopus, and many other new friends. Together they play Hide-and-Seek happily.

▲戴仪萱 Yixuan Dai / 4岁 / 综合材料 / 30x45.5cm

深海世界 Deep Sea World / 2016年


In the beautiful underwater world, Dolphin sisters meet their best friend seahorse Mr. Colorful. They leap and swim back and forth together for the whole day. They enjoy running up and down on the winding staircase, and playing hide-and-seek with bottom dwellers.

▲林树铭 Mark Lin / 3岁 / 综合材料 / 52x38cm

梨子们 Four Pears / 2016年


I have a big plate here! My favorite pears are coming to here! A big one; a small one; a fat one; and a slim one. Guess why do I have four pears in the plate. Because I am turning into four years old! They are in perfect green, and they taste the best! Sweet and juicy! Yummy yummy!

▲母子涵 Nathan Mu / 4岁 / 综合材料 / 51.5x75.5cm

太阳系 Solar System / 2016年

作品灵感来自于小作者刚刚读到的一本书《Solar System》。坑坑洼洼的月球满是环形山,巨大的太阳在不停爆炸中燃烧着它的热量,试图照亮浩瀚深邃的宇宙,繁星点点,我们的宇宙飞船径直飞向那颗美丽的蓝色星球——地球的怀抱。

Inspired by a book the creator just read: Solar System. The potholed moon is full of craters; the sun burns and spreads heat and energy out, it’s trying to light up the deep and dark universe; In the starry space , the spaceship is flying straight to the beautiful blue planet - our mother Earth.

▲冯奕迪 Yidi Feng / 5岁 / 综合材料 / 30x45.5cm

怪怪鱼海底世界 The Party in Deep Sea / 2016年


In the deep sea, a dolphin, a mother seahorse, a baby seahorse and some cute little monster fishes would join the party.

▲冯奕理 Yili Feng / 6岁 / 综合材料 / 30x45.5cm

深海里的鲨鱼The Shark in Deep Sea / 2016年


The shark lives in the deep sea, and he is the king of the deep sea.

▲张紫悦 Joyce Zhang / 6岁 / 水彩画 / 23x34cm

走路的大象 Walking Elephant / 2016年

蓝天白云,晴朗的天。 Ellie,这头小象缓慢地走在草地上寻找水源。很多天都没有下雨,她觉得越来越口渴。忽然,她看见一棵树旁有一个池塘。现在她好开心!

It’s a sunny day with blue sky and white clouds. Ellie, the little elephant is slowly walking on the grass looking for water. It hasn’t rained for days. She is getting very thirsty. Suddenly, she sees a pond near a tree. Now she is happy!

▲王诗雅 Lydia Wang / 9岁 / 水彩画 / 26x37cm

快乐的蓝鲸 Happy Blue Whale / 2015年


There are so many people take vacation on the beach. At this moment, the blue whale is very happy. She is not alone because she believe travelers will have fun with her.

▲陶冰稀 Alice Tao / 10岁 / 综合材料 / 26.5x38cm

美丽的沙滩拖 Beautiful Beach Slipper / 2016年


This is a picture of a pair of sandals. These sandals have been left by its owner because the owner of these sandals wanted to go into the water when she was at the beach. These sandals are probably expensive and not waterproof, so the owner wouldn’t want to ruin them by getting them wet. These are designer sandals which cost a lot so if anyone stole it, the owner will most likely be mad.

▲黄梓琪 Joeky Huang / 10岁 / 水彩画 / 30x45.5cm

悠游的母子鲨 The Mother and Child Shark / 2016年


How wonderful the sea Kingdom. There are Coral reef,aquatic plants, there is the habitat of marine life and play place. The sharks followed her mother swim leisurely and patrol the sea. Here is their kingdom, and they are the king of the sea.

▲黄煦诚 Justin Huang / 10岁 / 儿童创意画 / 23x34cm

合作者 Collaborator / 2016年


The red airplane is putting out a fire to the right which isn't showed in the picture. The orange airplane is picking up people in the green boat to a safe place. The news reporter inside the hot air balloon is broadcasting this fire incident.

▲黄佩琪 Paykie Huang / 13岁 / 色彩画 / 30x45.5cm

金鱼 Goldfish / 2016年


Goldfish as the world's most cultural connotation of ornamental fish, has long laid its noble identity in the hearts of people. It is plump, gentle temperament, known as the happiness, good fortune, peace and friendship symbol. Chinese people believe that goldfish is auspicious Lucky ornamental fish. Long time ago,people use fish tank to raise goldfish, and add the gem, jade in the bottom of the disc, known as "Jin Yu Man Tian", also call the "Jin Yu Man Tian". It is the world of interpretation of the beauty of the legend between the movement.


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