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Bayshore Art Studio Creative Thinking Expansion: Lines

Writer: Ms. Erica ZhuMs. Erica Zhu

Last time, I introduced the installation work "Sky’s the Limit" by Canadian artist Michael Hayden. In that piece, the flowing lines combined with the perspective of the actual scene—did it create a fascinating visual experience for you? Have you come up with your own thoughts or answers on the questions it left you with?

Sky's the Limit

Now, let's continue from the last lesson where we talked about 'lines.' First, let's watch a video to understand 'line' as one of the elements of art (The Element of LINE).

Through this short video, have you gained a new understanding of lines?

Let's focus on the emotive qualities of line mentioned in the video. We will look at these five aspects:

Direction(方向) Rhythm(韵律) Angularity(棱角) Weight(粗细) Style(样式)

A line that can be drawn effortlessly — what kind of emotion or even personality might it express? I will guide everyone to reflect on this through five units.


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