Introduction to French Artist Georges Seurat and His Special Artistic Method—Pointillism
Preschool Masterpiece Appreciation Class: Introduction to French Artist Georges Seurat and His Special Artistic Method—Pointillism

Learning Objectives:
Students will learn about French artist Georges Seurat and the unique art method he invented—Pointillism.
Students will recognize three of Seurat's famous works: La Seine à la Grande-Jatte, A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, and The Eiffel Tower.
Students will understand the concept of creating art using small dots to form larger images.
Materials Needed:
Cotton swabs
Watercolor paint (in various colors)
Paper (for creating the artwork)
Printed images of Georges Seurat’s paintings for reference
Bowls or cups of paint for dipping

Lesson Plan:
Introduction (5 minutes):
Briefly introduce Georges Seurat, showing pictures of his famous paintings.
Discuss his unique art method, Pointillism, and explain that he created pictures using small dots of color instead of brush strokes.
Activity Setup (5 minutes):
Explain the three keywords related to Pointillism:
Point: Using many small dots.
Color: The colors that emerge from the dots.
Method: A unique way of creating art.
Show an example of a Seurat painting (e.g., Bathers at Asnières) and point out how dots are used to create the picture.
Hands-on Activity (20 minutes):
Guide the children to create their version of Seurat’s Bathers at Asnières using the dotting technique.
Encourage them to color the sky, grass, river, trees, animals, and people’s skin and clothing using only dots made with cotton swabs.
Emphasize the use of dots instead of smearing or brushing the paint.
Wrap-Up (5 minutes):
Display and discuss the children’s artworks.
Ask the children what they noticed about the pictures and how the dots formed an image.
Encourage the children to describe the colors and shapes they used in their artwork.

Observe children's participation and ability to follow the dotting technique.
Document their ability to apply the concept of using dots to create a picture.
Allow children to explore other shapes or objects they can create using the Pointillism method in future classes.
Encourage parents to try the activity at home with different themes or seasonal colors (e.g., fall leaves using Pointillism).