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Life Photographs
Turn your photo to Oil Painting

in realistic (fine brush-work) or painterly (thick brush-work) style. All artworks are 100% hand-painted by real artists.

Get Started

Turn your picture into a painting. It's as easy as 1-2-3-4


Email multiple pictures to


We create a design and hand paint your photo/s


Preview your painting in 2 to 3 weeks and comment


Receive your painting. Need sooner? Get in touch

Sizes to suit all walls

Painting prices to suit all pockets

Ready to turn your picture into oil painting?

The artist at Bayshore Art Studio is ready to help! We offer professional artists who are ready to take your picture to the next level. By leveraging the ease of online access with a beautiful art form, we are able to deliver top-quality oil paintings that are seamlessly made from your favorite photographs.

Now, it’s easier than ever to turn your photograph into oil painting created by a world-class artist - and you never have to leave your home! Our image to painting services is carried out online, and at the end of the process, your piece of art is delivered with care to your doorstep.

Our photo into painting services can be completely tailored to your needs, making it possible to get a high quality oil rendering of your favorite memory. We proudly create oil paintings of cherished people, pets, cars, and more each and every day!

If you’ve ever considered the possibility of turning a picture into a stunning oil painting, the Bayshore Art Studio team is excited to show you that your dream is now a reality.

Getting your canvas paintings starts with placing your order and submitting your photograph today. Once you’ve done so, your oil painting will be hand painted. We offer all customers the opportunity to review their paintings so that revisions can be made, if needed. Then, orders are carefully prepared for shipping before being sent to your home or business.

Click “Let’s Get Started” now!

Bayshore Art Studio的艺术家随时可以提供帮助!我们提供专业的艺术家,他们准备将您的照片提高到一个新的水平。通过利用易于访问的精美艺术形式来利用在线访问,我们能够提供从您喜欢的照片中无缝制作的高质量油画。





如果您曾经考虑过将图片变成精美的油画的可能性,那么Bayshore Art Studio团队很高兴向您展示您的梦想已成为现实。





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